
Archive | May, 2021

Pool & Spa Waterline Paste

Maclin Launches Pool & Spa Waterline Cleaning Paste

Maclin have launched a Blue Coloured Mildly Abrasive High Detergency Waterline Cleaning Paste for easy removal of the Water & Tides marks seen in Swimming Pools, Hot Tubs & Spas.  The product in 350g comes with an applicator sponge.  5Kgs Trade Packs Also Avaiable.

After the water level is dropped, the sponge applicator loaded with paste is rubbed over the water tide mark, left for 5 minutes, then removed with the sponge.  The paste will remove all or minimise the appearance of fats, oils, grease & tide lines.  The waterline paste adheres vertically to plastics, pool liners, vinyl, tiles, concrete & fibreglass.  The product comes complete with a film cover to keep the paste moist.

Available in Private Own Label in 350g and 5Kgs.  Other sizes on request.  Low Minimum Order Quantities for Own Label.

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