

Maclin Sourcing Solutions Limited
Unit A3, Risby Business Park,
Newmarket Road, Risby, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP28 6RD
Tel:  +44 (0) 1284 810 887    Fax: 01284 811 908
info@maclingroup.co.uk    www.maclingroup.co.uk


To whom it may concern.

In light of the developing situation surrounding Covid-19 Corona Virus, Maclin Sourcing Solutions Ltd. have put in place procedures designed to minimise the risk of significant business disruption. To help prevent the spread and reduce risk to our colleagues, we ask that you adopt a similar approach.

Delivery/Haulage drivers will be asked to adhere to the following:

  • Only attend site if necessary.
  • Do not attend site if you have any of the following symptoms: Cough, Difficulty in breathing or fever.
  • When at site, do not enter the building until instructed. Let your presence be known to staff and remain in your vehicle, where possible, to remain isolated.
  • Minimise contact with Maclin employees.
  • If using site facilities, you must seek permission from a member of Maclin staff and adhere to signage on personal hygiene.

Contractors/Visitors will be asked to adhere to the following: –

  • Only attend site if absolutely necessary.
  • Do not attend site if you have any of the following symptoms: Cough, Difficulty in breathing or fever.
  • Complete a questionnaire before arrival to the site.
  • Check with site contact to see if a site visit is necessary or whether a meeting can be held via conference call.

Given the high level of uncertainty linked to the evolution of the Coronavirus outbreak, the situation may change at any time, and as such Maclin Sourcing Solutions Ltd. will update their position accordingly and in line with Government advice. In order to ensure that we maintain our Duty of Care to our employees we would be obliged if you could notify us of the arrangements that you have in place to ensure the health & safety of your staff who may be attending our site. Please send a copy of your Covid-19 risk assessment.

Yours sincerely

Managing Director


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