
Contour Comparator Chlorine Test Kit

The Contour Comparator Chlorine Test Kit measures total chlorine from 0 – 250 ppm.  Its simple and easy to use and comes complete with all the necessary reagent tablets.  2 test tube samples of water are taken from the made up solution; 2 reagent tablets are crushed into tone of the test tubes and inserted into the kit.   The other test tube is also inserted. The reading of the coloured solution can be readily compared to the reference disk in the machine and the solution adjusted accordingly or discarded.


  • 30 Tests per kit
  • Colour disk for quick visual identification
  • Instructions for use
  • Sturdy Plastic Compact Case (24x20x4.5cm)
  • Reagents tablets available to re-order as a separate line.

The Viewing Disk is Calibrated to the following readings:

Picture of the Contour Comprator Colour Reference Disk for measuring chlorine solutions from 5 to 250 ppm.

Graduated colour reference disk.

5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200 & 250 ppm total chlorine

Typical uses:

Salad Washing:                 Guideline 25 – 150 ppm

Food Surface Disinfection:    Guideline 200 ppm

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